Category Archives: Blog

Almost Swan’s Song [November Muse, Midlothian VA Photographer]

From the beginning, Duck’s song didn’t sound so good, so (almost) Swan’s Song it is.


What can you hear?

~watch out for snakes

~hope those cars stay up on the road

~sure did get cold

~leaves are falling all over our water

~don’t let the fish bite you

~go around the turtles

~don’t bite floating worms

~quit crowding the rest of us

~it’s getting dark, we should leave

~wonder if we’ll be able to come back tomorrow

~look out for webbed feet eating ameba

~don’t get too wet

~you’re going the wrong way

~duck if you see crows flying above

~spit out the dead ones

~walk around the joggers

~stay off the deck-it splinters


It was a quiet, comfortable and enjoyable evening out there with  just a quack here or there. Didn’t seem like they had a care in the world. I need to sing that (almost) Swan’s song more in my own mind and heart.   What beautiful moments I miss with all the adscititious thoughts I allow, or even conjure up, into my thoughts. Frankly, and sadly, that list of duck worries rolled onto my keyboard as easily as water off a duck’s back. 😉

A Duck’s Peace Song: (eh, really it’s Philippians 4)

6Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpassese every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

8Finally brothers, whatever is true,g whatever is honorable,  whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable — if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise — dwell on these things. 9Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.



Best Seat in the House [November Muse]

You know those women who love newborn babies? The babies are as much at ease with her as she is with them. And then there are those who just do their best to get through the continuous endless mix of days and nights with out rhyme or reason: calm the crying, get some sleep. I fit the bill of the former-give me a newborn any day and I soak in all the sweet smell and soft cuddling I can. And then they’re no longer new. Their cuteness is even bigger as is nearly everything else about them, but all things new are now bygones.  Just when squinty-eyed moms are nearly over the edge hoping and praying their babies would start sleeping, It happens over night.

*That* is how I feel about autumn. I love everything about this season in Virginia save the high mold levels (akin to stinky diapers, I suppose).

Just yesterday morning as the sun was rising, I was working from my living room. My babies now all grown up and sound asleep;  I had the best seat in the house.

Autumn Window

Autumn Window

I always wished my babies would stay little longer.

Every year I teeter between enjoying the autumn season and fearing its premature exit.

In both circumstances I’ll miss what passes so quickly,  yet I know there’s so much to look forward to in what’s next.

For today, I’m enjoying the best seat in the house. Happy autumn!


I Quit! [31 Days]

Not really.

But as counterproductive as it seems, before beginning writing this month,  I allowed myself  some written down ‘self love rules’ for this  31 Days thing.

1. I could quit.

2. I didn’t have to be posted ‘on time.’

3. I didn’t have to write for anyone or any reason.

4. I didn’t have to do anything particular or in any specific way, hence the category I chose.

5. I would write on days or nights that I felt compelled to AND felt like it.

Disclaimer, the teacher in me balks at all of these. The mom in me does the same. Yet, you see, I’m an all or nothing person and when tied in too tightly it’s a disaster in waiting. I, for one, don’t need any more disasters in my life.

Can anyone relate?

It’s a good thing I made this deal with myself, because there were nights where my eyes couldn’t distinguish between the hall light and the neighbors porch light. Other times the light was clear, but  I was pretty frustrated with my own life and I didn’t want to share that in a bad light. Maybe once or twice I actually went to bed instead of sitting down to share something here.  The Lord and I have a great prayer time going as I try to fall asleep each night-so that only meant more time with my heavenly Father. I need that most. And there was a night or two where I just didn’t want to write. There was no writer’s block, there was no big qualm over what I should (or shouldn’t) write about, I just didn’t want to…besides, I’m trying to learn to knit and crochet. Did you know you can actually do that (unintentionally) BACKWARDS? I know, cRaZy!!

Thank you for understanding.  I would be on the losing side of this challenge had I given up the best for something good. We do that so often in our walk as Christians.  My desire is to BE who the Lord wants me to be, sometimes the DO has to wait.  Here’s a little sneak peek at what was drawing more of my attention.  Maybe next time I’ll be ‘more perfect’ in the string of things, but– for the big win….it really didn’t bother me at all! Thank the Lord for making my life real vs really ritual. <3

Psaml 39:3ff …My heart was hot within me, While I was musing the fire burned; Then I spoke with my tongue: “LORD, make me to know my end And what is the extent of my days; Let me know how transient I am. “Behold, You have made my days as handbreadths, And my lifetime as nothing in Your sight; Surely every man at his best is a mere breath. Selah.…

I don’t plan on quitting my writing anytime soon, and I’m THRILLED to have so many of you reading along with me. I don’t know why you stopped by, but I’m happy you’re around.


Catching Up to Seven [Children’s Photographer Richmond VA]

A throw back worth the look, and the reminder. Sniff-sniff!


He’s seven now. Looking through photos (and deleting them by the dozen), I see so much has changed in his little face in just under a year. I need to put the brakes on parts of my life, and speed skates on my feet. I won’t let his young life speed by solo any longer. My head knows I haven’t left him to go it alone, but parts of my heart echo with urgency to grab on tightly right now. And that’s what I’m going to do. I couldn’t love “medium boy” any more, but I sure have room to show that love more. It’s on!

Psalm 39:4
“LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.

Remind me that my days are numbered–how fleeting my life is.

Originally posted Jan 3, 2012.

I invite you to share more of my life with me in [My Story].  Grab some coffee and sit awhile -enjoy ‘me.’

Where’s Your Mask? [31 Days]

Where’s Your Mask?

Snowball Fight and Snowman

Who does not know the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? They’ve lived through the 90s (maybe earlier) and are going stronger than ever even now.  My young-gun is a diehard TMNT fan. We even did his birthday in all things TMNT last March. His favorite color is green, this proclamation came after picking out and painting his bedroom BLUE, he knows the theme song and every ninja turtle move that goes along with it,  without warning I’m quizzed regularly on which color each turtle wears-to the point that I’ve made up my own mnemonics so I can pass the test…yeah, it’s a little boy behind that mask, but to him, he’s none other than Raphael! (Raph wears Red, just so you know.)

An intimate group of women were talking this week. At one moment a gregarious smile filled the profile spot on one of their facebook timelines. It was a beautiful photo of an equally beautiful woman. I am positive that smile spread to each of her friends as one by one they saw it refresh in her profile. Sweet!

Only minutes later that happy face, bubbly woman popped in and confesses that she’s struggling-really struggling- and having a tough time in life right now.  Even one of the other women commented that you’d never be able to tell by her recent ‘selfie.’

I do take my friends at face-value, but I am never surprised to hear the heart manifesting a different front than the face.

~Why is that photographer so bitter and so insistent about pointing out what/how other photographers do things?

~Did you notice the gal at work is continually putting down the rest of the staff?

~How can a friend be so out-reaching for all God is and at the same time be so demeaning to others behind their backs?

~Why does she keep backing out of commitments that she’s made?

~How can your _______ (family) treat others better than they treat you-it’s you they love, right?

I could copy and paste one thing after another, but I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen the uglies in and around our lives without needing documentation of even more evidence….but why is it like this? It’s not right—AND, it’s all too easy to be angry  or even disgusted.  “They should know better, ” after-all.

What’s missing?  

Sometimes it is a simple as sin; sin will make us stupid…if you know to do good and choose not to, it’s sin. (James 4:17)

What else could we be missing?  Remember Raphael? There’s a cute little boy under that mask!


Invisible masks.

We can’t see them, but they cover the faces that reflect the heart.

Masks:  we wear them to hide what hurts us.

They’re heavy.

They weigh us down.

They make living from underneath of them cumbersome, stifling  and frustrating.

They’re exhausting to keep straight.

They make it impossible for others to see the real us,

and they make it incredibly hard for us to see straight.


we drive in them,

we parent through them,

we try to build relationships divided by them,

and we love from  underneath their sense of safety…

no matter how deceiving that may be.

Behind our own gregarious grins, and behind our own masks, we’re hurting. We’ve lost babies and buried children, we’ve been betrayed by the ones who matter most, we’ve been abandoned by parents and left out of our grandparents’ lives, we’ve built up tough exteriors where we really wanted tenderness and unwavering, loving commitment, we’ve pushed wheelchairs of our own flesh and blood because of birth defect, disease and old age, we’ve lived daily with invisible medical conditions and hidden addictions, we’ve been left broken physically, emotionally and financially. We’re hurt. We have to protect our hearts from both disingenuous understanding as well as disinterest. It’s easier to build a wall than it is to watch someone turn away.

Isolation is easier to live with than apathy.

I love the truth in the quote, “He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing.”  I would that we could all live that transparent of a life. That who we are in the Lord would be enough. I strive to be forthright in my life, and I know the struggles all to personally with some of those masks.

Conversely, there’s a wonderful tenderness in the words of Plato, “Be kind, because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

I neither commend sin that roots itself in hurt nor defend a woman in her sin, but being kind and truthful as well as forgiving can really go far in helping  a hurting heart.  Only the Lord can heal all of our hurts, and that’s just it; He CAN, and He DOES, when we let Him.  I encourage you to take off your masks. Life is so much better from the other side. Keep your expectations heavenward, and others won’t be able to hurt you so badly.

Take your heart, hurts and all, to the only one who is able to help fully.

Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.


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