Catching Up to Seven [Children’s Photographer Richmond VA]

A throw back worth the look, and the reminder. Sniff-sniff!


He’s seven now. Looking through photos (and deleting them by the dozen), I see so much has changed in his little face in just under a year. I need to put the brakes on parts of my life, and speed skates on my feet. I won’t let his young life speed by solo any longer. My head knows I haven’t left him to go it alone, but parts of my heart echo with urgency to grab on tightly right now. And that’s what I’m going to do. I couldn’t love “medium boy” any more, but I sure have room to show that love more. It’s on!

Psalm 39:4
“LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.

Remind me that my days are numbered–how fleeting my life is.

Originally posted Jan 3, 2012.

I invite you to share more of my life with me in [My Story].  Grab some coffee and sit awhile -enjoy ‘me.’

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