Category Archives: agitm

Coming or Going? [Dear Sister]

My heart is both enlightened and burdened as I sit here this morning with my coffee. On my way out, the sun was rising in the background of my first turn. Stopped in my tracks on the road, I took out my trusty iphone and snapped a photo. Why? Its beauty, its light, its morning promise was inspiring and humbling. Getting to my “Friday Office” (uh-hmm, Starbucks),  I sat down and read some verses as I waited on my skinny mocha/peppermint latte’.  Always, God’s Word is truth. When I’m willing and obedient, it’s also very personal; who am I that the Lord of all creation loves me so? Again, I’m humbled.

Coffee in hand, ahhhh, I see some other blogs, fb status updates, cries for help, shouts of questions and, the one that just plummets my heart to the ground hardest, acclamations of God’s character, direction or commandments (and lack thereof) based and scripted, not on scripture, but rather  on personal thoughts, feelings and self-seeking satisfactions in the Lord.    Oh, I want to cry!

I can hear and see so many people lining up and subscribing to these blogs with a hardy AMEN. Why does that burden my heart?  It’s not truth.  Does it sound good? YEP.  Is it inspirational. Sure! Is it truth? Nope.  I cringe.  There IS absolute truth in God’s Word. It’s there.  Truth is all throughout scripture, but it’s not always easy to hear truth and it’s not often flattering to others’ egos to share it when we could share words that get the emotions in our beings flaring instead. God’s Word can be offensive. We want feel-good. God’s Word can be sharp. We want comfort, always. God’s Word is complete. We want gaps to fill in with our own surmise.

Ephesians 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for God’s wrath  is coming on the disobedient because of these things. 7 Therefore, do not become their partners. 8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light  — 9 for the fruit of the light results in all goodness, righteousness, and truth — 10 discerning what is pleasing to the Lord.

Goodness, righteousness and truth.  

This is where I was going to wrap things up, but you wouldn’t believe what I’m sitting here overhearing in conversation behind me. Two beautiful women are talking about another woman’s Christian walk. They’re Believers, from what I can gather…and what’s the issue? “She doesn’t allow her children to XYZ, while I know that the Bible does support her decisions, I just don’t like to do things like that. It’s totally normal and ok for the kids to do those things.” Gulp. I’m sure I’ve been there too.  But God.

That photo I snapped this morning? The one full of promise for the day, as it turns out, makes a muddle of which way I was going. It’s sort of hard to distinguish the right way-or which path I was really on.  Was I coming or going? Our lives are often the same miss-mash of direction, but as Christian women, it should not be.

That IS the hard truth.

God says there are ways are pleasing to Him, and ways that are pleasing to the world.    10 discerning what is pleasing to the Lord. 

We say, it’s not wrong. Everyone, most other Christians even, do it too.

God says, 10 discerning what is pleasing to the Lord. 

We say, even if in the still small voice of our own minds,  things like~ prove to me it’s wrong. I won’t be judged for this little thing, it’s not going to hurt me, it’s not going to harm my children, it’s completely innocent, fun and frivolous…and the Bible doesn’t say…

God says, Romans 12:12

And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


[kuhn-fawrm]  Show IPA

verb (used without object)


to act in accordance or harmony; comply (usually followed by to  ): to conform to rules.

to act in accord with the prevailing standards, attitudes, practices, etc., of society or a group: One has to conform in order to succeed in this company.

to be or become similar in form, nature, or character.

to be in harmony or accord.

Dear Sisters, let’s search the Lord’s will and be not conformed. Let’s dare to BE Christ on earth and be approved by Him, that He may have free reign IN our lives, not just through them. Being a Christian is not a sector of life, it is our every breath and our very life.
I’m praying this for my own life today, and for yours.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and if you have something you’d like me to pray for specifically, leave me a comment or send me a message-it would be a privilege.
Coming or Going

Life.Camera.Shoot. [Midlothian Photographer]


WELCOME!  It’s time, right now, for moms with a camera to learn best how to use that camera to keep memories of their family, their children, their life forever in print. We know that life passes by so quickly. At risk of repeating your parents, the older we get the faster that blur before our eyes really is. So take that camera out every day and shoot your life as it’s happening!

Together we’ll learn how to use that dslr camera you own (oh, the things that it can do that you just don’t know how to YET!), how to make that next great pinterest inspired craft, and how to enjoy the life we have while doing it.

So, join me. Sign up for these blog posts, and if you’re local to me (Richmond, VA area) shoot me an email and tell me to put you on the loop for class sign-ups!  You’ll be the first to hear about any photography specials (such as mini-sessions which fill up in a heart beat!) I have coming up.

So, are you ready?

Link me to a pinterest idea you love for the fall. I’ll see you soon!!!

Pssst-here’s what I’m thinking. Nice? My Life.Camera.Shoot pinterest board!

Leave me a comment, and the first craft we do, I’ll make two and give one away.

Super Woman (imperfect) [Midlothian, VA Photographer]

I see it and hear it on one forum after another and in women’s conversations all the time:  “You’re a saint!” “You’re my hero!”  “You’re SUPER WOMAN!”   And those comments throw heaps of weight onto  every woman’s shoulders who hears them (real or imagined).  I want to scream: No, no she’s not!  And, no you’re not !  And and I’m not either!

Super woman is only a good thing fictitiously speaking,  and only in the strange places my husband likes to visit every Wednesday  when the ‘new issues come out.’

She, Super Woman herself, has done more to create havoc in our lives than we know. Funnily enough, she’s someone we really never talk about to anyone, but ah-we think about her  And in those thoughts, she speaks to us.

*you’re not doing enough

*you should be more like Ella, Jim’s wife…did you see the way she…?

*or, Cody’s mom: president of the PTA, room mother, snack Queen etc

*you need to lose 50lbs, get your hair colored, drive another car…and then you can  try to fit in with that crowd, but until then—consider yourself, loser

*you don’t spend enough time with your children

*you haven’t fixed healthy meals recentlly — like all good moms do

*who could blame your husband for looking elsewhere when you’re sooooo tired from working and cleaning and taking care of the children 14 hours a day; he works too

*when you were younger you could, did, were _____, and now look at you

*everyone else has:  a clean, tidy and organized house, well dressed (and  behaved) children, plenty of money, grand date nights out every week with their husbands who gush over them, new cars that shine and purr,  a college degree or two,  children attending the best private schools, dinner served nightly on fine china, time for a hot breakfast (and not of the oatmeal kind),   delicious lunches to go and weekends free to entertain their friends

(Are you still with me?)

Do you hear her, too?

Well, I’m so far from Super Woman. As a matter of fact, I’m as imperfect as they come.

I am sitting in a room that I’ll have to be careful to not trip over something when I get up from my desk. I think, but am not sure, my laundry room has flooring in place. In a grand valor effort, I started an exercise program this week-yesterday to be exact; I now have shinsplints. My youngest was running the dog up and down the road this morning donning in his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Boxers; it was 50 degrees. We ordered in pizza for dinner, our bank account is screaming, lunch to go means go to the fridge and see what we have, my  china has remained safely in its place since we moved in 12 years ago,  and the last date I had with my (yes, adoring) husband was during a work function.  I think.

I am perfectly imperfect. It’s who I am. I’m good with that. You should be, too.
To portray to our children that we are perfect-super women, if you will, only proves to set them up for certain failure. For we know, the surest route to failure is to settle for nothing less than perfection. I only know of one perfect person who has ever lived, and He loved me so much He died for me.  Setting our sights on perfection is the path to certain failure. Don’t get me wrong; striving for excellence is noteworthy and a goal worthy of pursuing, but alas there’s a grave difference between excellence and perfection. Only one is attainable.  Think about that.

Often times, I am afraid. I am disorganized where I used to be flawlessly scheduled. I get lonely. I can feel inadequate, and for no real reason. I wish better for my children, yet I’m doing my best. I would love to win the lottery (but I don’t play it!).   Every day I ponder the  thorn-in-my-flesh and my physical struggles. Every day!  Not often do my plans for the day and the day’s end shake hands in affirmation. My to-do list is every growing and never ending.  I am imperfect.

You know the most ironic thing about all of this?

There’s only one who expects me to be perfect. (That voice in my head I listen to.) Me!!

I have succumbed to the truth that while  there will be perfect times in my life (thank you, Lord!), I nor anyone else will ever be perfect in life.



Back to School! [Homeschooling in VA]

This is just like my life. And this week it was good-bye to summer, hello fall, and back to school time like so many others around the country. What’s new? This year, it’s back to one. My boys are 10 years spaced in birthdays making them 19 years old and 9 years old. Thank you, Lord, for YOUR perfect timing in our lives with the blessings of these two. Oh, so many stories to share there but for another time.  Today’s post is a simple one: back to school with full attention to his 4th grade school year. Too much excitement to contain!

Happy back to school to you!  Anyone else homeschooling? Stay tuned for the adventures we create, and create he will.

Home Decorating [Midlothian VA Photographer]

It’s true, there’s no way possible that my house will remain tidy for longer time than it takes me to wak from one room to the next. Tried and proven.  As we prepare to start another year of school here at home, we do the annual clean-up, purge and reorganize thing.  Within the first 15 minutes of attack mode, I had moved more toys (and rocks, as it were) from places where I’d never dreamed they’d show up. I stopped any hope of progress and snapped a couple of photos. He’s pretty creative in the home decorating genre, too, don’t you think?

A r c h i v e s