Day 6 Sweet Dreams [31 Days of Mental-Pause]

From the time we women get pregnant until I don’t know when, our sleep cycles are interrupted whether to feed a precious little newborn or  to empty a bladder being used as a trampoline.

I was lucky enough to develop chronic insomnia after the birth of my first son. He’s 19 now. :/  Tonight’s post is dedicated to the life crunches that disturb our sleep and the hope, yes there’s hope, that we can reestablish good sleep patterns. It’s important.

According to* there are plenty of good reasons to catch and hold onto those zzzzzzzz’s:

*Improve memory

*Live longer

*Curb inflamation

*Spur creativity (hello, I’m an artist!)

*Healthy weight! (I’ll stop here, but go to their link and read more, if you need more reasons to clock out at night.)

I think as moms in middle life our jobs are the fullest they’ve ever been and we fall on the bottom rung of the ‘must take care of’ list.

I’m going to change that. Even now. If you noticed my 31 days posts are usually written as midnight looms in the balance, but tonight I’m heading to bed in just a bit. I’m important enough to take care of too!

Do you need to readjust your sleep schedule? What else needs attention in your own lifestyle in the good of your health?

Sweet dreams! zzzzzzzz

October 6, 2013 - 10:01 PM

Joy - Tami…I’m so thrilled to read you’re taking care of you!!! Yes, I have noticed your late night posts…and late night (or should I say early morning) FB comments.

I try to be in bed by 10pm every night as I know a good night’s sleep is also great for lowering high blood pressure. Now if only my bladder was bigger I just might sleep through the night!

Soooooo…after saying that…I too am heading to bed.
Sweet dreams my friend…sweet dreams.

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