Day 5 Relax [31 Days of Mental-Pause]

I can’t wait to tell you about today.  I was praying, like usual, as Mr. Insomnia kicked Mr. Sandman to the curb last night. For today, I just wanted to relax. By that I don’t mean sit around and do nothing, that would drive me crazy. But sitting around with nothing I have to get done would be lovely–that’s another day though. I did have a lot to do today, but I was praying that I could just enjoy the day without the stresses of my to-do list. I schedule things that sound fun to me, and then I find myself wishing I wasn’t doing that very thing? What is that all about? RELAX, Tam, RELAX.  Funny thing; I tell myself to relax and gently take a deep breath in…exhale. Repeat. BUT, if someone else tells me to relax, it sets a fire under me. I have no idea why. No worries though, it was only me talking to the Lord about ME relaxing. He showed me a lot of great things, and I fell asleep with a peaceful mind and heart.

This morning I had a photo session to shoot and then this that and the other to get done. Where was RELAX now? I found it driving away from the session and back home with my husband, and I’ve laughed and enjoyed today more than most others in the recent months. What changed? Me. My heart. My attitude. I just wanted today to be non-stressful, and so it was, mostly. I had to make hard choices a few times to stay there, but I’m so glad I did. Had I not, I would have missed so much: yahtzee with the boys, a little guy falling asleep on my lap as I just held him (see, my computer wasn’t on my lap for a change) and the best part -my son telling me a joke. Well, he would have still told it, but I would have missed both the telling and the joke had I been wound up in things that just don’t really matter most.  I need to spend my time on the most things, more. Want to hear the joke?

“How can you tell if the skeleton ate your candy?”

I don’t know, how?

“It goes right through him!”

Funny, right?

Apparently he made that one up. I laughed so hard at it each time he retold it that it added fuel for the next time. The joke changed a little here and there, but the studiousness of getting it right and getting the laugh was so much fun to take in. Anyone who is blessed enough to know him is laughing at the mere visual, I’m sure of it!

I’m so glad I decided to relax today-in my mind and in my heart.  Did you laugh today? Maybe you should make it your goal for tomorrow to just realax in your life, in your home, a little more than usual. I can only imagine what I’ve missed as mental-pause put ME, the me who God has made me to be,  on pause for all too long. It felt GOOD to be more like ME.  Life’s not that serious, Tam. (Feel free to put your own name there.)  What’s the plan for tomorrow, friends?


Jn 10:10 … I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

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