Red Moon Rises [31 Days of Mental-Pause]

Red Moon Rising

It was a beautiful night: Red moon rises!  I looked out tonight and all I saw was black skies and falling rain. Thankful, because we need it, but there’s something about seeing the moon as night falls. It’s almost like a night-cap on a hard day’s work.

Thinking about all that today involved suddenly made me tired, even without the moon’s notice!

At one point today I had the makings of homemade turkey stock for soup tonight and soap in a pan for dyi laundry detergent simmering on the stove. True. Simultaneously  I was cutting up carrots, unloading groceries, teaching math to my youngest, running laundry, making a new batch of homemade dishwasher detergent, waiting for the  cleaner to soak the tub to clean, sweeping up messes in the kitchen and soaking up dripping water from the leaking dishwasher…and freezer and answering emails, sending contracts etc. No wonder my mind is full!

I wrapped up most of those things, ran to the grocery store to buy noodels for said soup, came home and switched up the laundry, vacuumed both a new spot to move a dresser (sshhhh, don’t tell my husband, it’s a surprise?) as well as the old spot it was in (you know what they say about rabbits reproducing? They’ve got NOTHING on dust bunnies!), filled up trash bags with trash, piled even higher the stack of yard sale fodder, had dinner, played games with my family and watched Duck Dynasty together before bedtime prayers and tucking in of little Mr. Exhausted.

Though I’m nearing bedtime for myself, it’s been a good day.  If there’s something I enjoy more than working harder at home than I’ve ever worked anywhere and taking care of my husband and family, I don’t know what it is -unless of course it involves the beach someone! Thankful tonight for all God is to me. Striving to be all He wills for me to be.

Proverbs 31

10An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.

11The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain.

30Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, [But] a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

31Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates.

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