Photographers Need To Know [Richmond VA Photography Adviser]

Dear Photographer,

You’ve worked hard. Over the years you’ve been mastering your skill and have complete confidence with each session you shoot. While you’re still learning (we’re all learning something every day in this field!), you have mastered good photography AND good business.  It’s taken quite some time, but you’re a professional both in quality of service and end product. You walk away from a completed session with pride in your work that even other professional photographers look at and smile, as well as  a happy client: CONGRATULATIONS!

How do you know when you’re at that point? Here’s a great way: you have clients tell you they’re going with a beginner photographer to help build their portfolio, or to a cookie cutter portrait studio to save some money, or a cheap “All files on a disc for $40” sort of deal.  No wait, that’s not how you know-but almost. You know you’re on your way when you’re OK WITH THOSE THINGS.  You can graciously wish the (would never be yours anyway) client well and mean it.  Every inquiry is NOT your potential client IF and WHEN you’re running a professional business. It’s that simple, so be happy about it.

The last two “Calls” I’ve gotten have been in complete opposition from a client’s perspective: 1. LOVED the difference (re can SEE a difference, everyone can’t, you know! This is key!)  in my work from what others do and where they’ve usually gone. They are  booking a family session, and 2. Has not budgeted money to spend on a custom family session but is going to go with someone just beginning to shoot and practice to build a portfolio (more on that in another Dear Photographer).  BOTH are ok. They’re good people with a different take on professional photography.  It’s your job to have your business and business mind in a place where it’s not only ok for the 2nd inquiry to go elsewhere, but preferred. You want to work with those who value YOUR work, your art and your time. FIND THEM.

I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to do a family, couple, newborn-or whatever -session for a new client and for them to pay me to do what I love. THEY leave ecstatic with their photos, prints and product, and I leave with the rush of knowing I just put my passion of photography, people and prints into my work. What’s the saying?   Harvey MacKay – “Find something you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”  Yep. That. ..when you’re earning a living do it. 🙂

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