Day 1 I’m late! [31 Days of Mental-pause]

31dayslogoWelcome! Ironically fitting, I’m starting 31 days of writing of mental-pause and here, on day one, I am already 3 days behind; I’m late! (What did you think I meant? Because if it meant anything other than I am a couple days behind on this 31 Days thing, THIS would be a whole ‘nuther title!)  My saving grace is that it’s not quite midnight or it would be 4 days behind. I’m sorry!

Something has happened my my very organized, well thought out and planned life. I mean, I taught school for more than 15 years, where neatly filled in little squares for every hour in a day and day of the week were my left hand. Oh, how I miss that structure in my life. Sure, some wonderful 50ish year old friends find it easily possible to follow much of the same, but not this chick. No, I find it close to impossible to finish one day’s worth of planning at one sitting let alone an entire week’s worth. Not only that, I lose my writing utensil at least a dozen times in my effort to accomplish something like that and in seconds flat. By the time I find it, I’ve completely forgotten why I needed it and have moved on to something else I’ll soon forget. It’s mental-pause that takes the part of my brain that once knew semblance of order and short-term memory recall as the norm. I don’t know where they’re hiding or for how long they’ll be there, but I sorely miss them.

WHAT is happening to me?  Today I went to the store for 3 things. I remembered the broom and called it done when I saw in the holiday baking aisle a bag of dark chocolate and mint  chips; that should make it all better. At least until tomorrows’s mental-pause strikes again. And it will.  Until then, SWEET dreams!

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