Monthly Archives: February 2014

A Child’s Play [My Story]

A Child’s Play

We spent wasted quite a bit of money trying to find toys that our firstborn would want to play with. Aside from his collection of Hot Wheels cars, toys were pushed aside as he and his imagination took to the field.  Almost as soon as he could walk, he was skating…in the house he did circles downstairs for countless hours. It was only a side-trek because of bad weather and rules against throwing and hitting a baseball INside the house.  I guess rollerblades on the floor was the lesser of two evils.

Fast forward, eh’ slow forward, 10 years and his brother enters the world by storm. THIS boy’s imagination is beyond to the moon and back. If a child’s play is his work, my little big guy has been working endlessly day in and day out for years.  And those toys that #1 son didn’t want? We saved them, and I’m so glad we did. There’s nothing like watching a child’s play imagination taking over the world (and the house!).  The tough thing is when it’s time to purge toys, I pick up one after another and have to admit that it still gets played with.  He LOVES to play, and  I am so ok with that!

You never know where they’ll be next, but it’s certain that they will.

Class Of One Senior Photography Midlothian VA [Tamara Henion Photography]

Class of One

 Senior Photography~because there’s no other you.

Most of the people I am reacquainted with in every day passing call me Mrs. Henion.  Why? Because I had the honor of teaching them. If not from school, I loved them through our church youth groups over the years. What a blessing!  Teenagers will always hold a special place in my heart.

Class of One Senior Photography is different-as different as each Senior.  I’ll meet with Mom and the soon to be graduate to discuss their desires, to get to know my newest client and to plan locations, style and fashion, props as well as hair and make-up. I’m fortunate to have a wonderful, young professional in the hair and make up industry available for some booking dates.  You don’t want to miss her!

AND, there’s an early booking bonus for 2015 Seniors for sessions in March and April ’14.

Contact me asap and scoop up your date!  I can hardly wait to meet YOU!


Newborn Model Call [Midlothian VA Newborn Photography]

Model call!

Need 2 newborn babies born in Feb. or March 2014 around Midlothian, VA.

You will enjoy The Newborn Experience which takes place at a leisurely  pace in your home within a few days following your baby’s birth, a full gallery of professionally edited images to proof,  and 1 (8×10) and 4 (5×7) images as my gift  after  the  completion of the session.

If you or someone you know is interested, leave me a comment and send me a message at:

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