Monthly Archives: September 2013

FREE photography sessions [Dear Photographer]

If you’ve just jumped into things-got a camera, made a fb page and started shooting anyone who would let  you shoot them for practice (yes, another post altogether on practice vs portfolio building: not one in the same) and for FREE, you may want to read the rest of this.

I shot for free, a lot. Why? I wanted to learn everything I could about what I was doing, not only  with my camera, but also with my surroundings and those I was photographing. Did I learn a lot? Boy, did I ever!  I burned the candle at both ends for 18 months just learning everything I could, and I’d try to apply that on the field…and I gave away the farm to do so.   I won’t go into many details about those lessons here, but there’s one thing I want to share with you and I heard it over and over as I practiced and practiced: people do not value free.

It’s true. And what’s sure to come? Some, if not all, of those same people who don’t value your free will hop their babies, children and family right over to the next free. No if, but will. It will happen–and really it only makes sense because your target client when  you’re up and running is not the one who you sought out to practice with.So, is it worth it? Could be. If you’re getting from the session what you want, then yes.  Would *I* do the same thing all over again the same way? Not a chance!  I would  find those people who would agree to let me practice on them (and do be honest and tell them you’re practicing-no guarantees!), but I would NOT just give them all the files I worked endlessly on.  Yes, if I was beginning again, I would offer a free session for trade of willing practice clients. If they loved their photos enough to have them, I would sell them instead of giving them away.   This might not be the way you do  things/or did things. I’m open to hearing what worked for you and made you happy, because one day you will see your practice and freebies on to the next kind hearted and budding photographer.  I encourage you: be smart even in the beginnings of your business.

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