Day 7 When I Was Young [31 Days of Mental-Pause]

When I was young, do you remember that song? I think it’s by the Carpenters-yes, Yesterday Once More.

When I was young
I’d listen to the radio
Waitin’ for my favorite songs
When they played I’d sing along
It made me smile

Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wondered where they’d gone

Read more: The Carpenters – Yesterday Once More Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Today I was thinking about things that are unique to me at this season of life.

Things like:

*favorite songs from long ago whose lyrics I never forget…and,

*why is the dog food in the fridge and the eggs in the pantry?

*how many times through the wash cycle  does it take to clean a load of clothes?

*how long has the shower been running?

*how many times can I heat up my morning cup of coffee?

*how can 3 hours have passed since I started something totally different than the last 12 things I’ve started, and yet none of them are done?

I think you get the picture, so many little things that make me pause and laugh every day, and then there are the things I’m most thankful for.

Things like:

*stuff-yeah, stuff isn’t worth much

*job/money and education status is pretty unimportant and while it wasn’t wasted time, how I would give anything to have the time driven toward more of either to be with,  to love, to laugh with, to sit, play or just cuddle with my family

*time truly waits for noone, as my friend says, Carpe diem!

*not what they do in life, but how they do life is what matters when it comes to my boys

*my husband’s idiocycracies , if he has any, only matter when I react wrongfully toward them/him

*I am not responsible for how I was raised, but I am for how my children are

*Growing in my relationship with the Lord through His Word, is more important that I would have ever imagined, to me, to my family and to others

*My house may never be model-ready ever again, and I am (mostly) ok with that

*honesty is so very important, and hidden motives are always revealed to someone one: be vulnerable, be open and be honest-even when you know others around you are not

The Carpenters reminded me of a song long ago, but more importantly it showed me how the years have changed my priorities in life.  I’m so thankful I’m “here” and not “there” any longer. Would I do things differently? Maybe. Our ‘biggest move’ was leaving our small home, small mortgage-both of which we loved-and selling it in favor of building a house that we could have my in-laws move into with us. We took care of Ma for 10 years, more than half of our marriage at the time. In nickels and dimes, yes, we would have loved to have changed things. But in life, in love and in caring for my aging and elderly mother in law, we did what the Lord tells us to do and that which is honorable. In that respect, we’d do it all again.   For now, I’ll be taking advantage of loving my family over any thing else that can be interjected in my life-and I’ve made changes in my days to do just that. They’re not here forever, and neither are we.

What legacy are you leaving to your children? What do they see as important, not by rites or rituals, but by authentic relationships? We’re teaching them how to live life.



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